Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Atlanta Event - July 12-19

By Flip Benham - Operation Rescue/Operation Save America

Twenty years ago in Atlanta, Georgia, God birthed a movement fueled by the Gospel of Jesus Christ and immersed in a single word - "repentance." This move of God radically changed the face of American Christianity and the pro-life movement. All this took place twenty years ago at the Democratic National Convention in downtown Atlanta. It was here that the Church of Jesus Christ dared to allow the theology of the church house to become biography in the streets.

Click here to continue reading at ProLifeUnity.com

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Wichita - Pro-Life Unity Conference June 5th

The Kansas Coalition for Life is hosting the 3rd Pro-Life Unity conference at the courthouse in Wichita, Kansas on June the 4th. We will be discussing the need for united Pro-Life nationwide and around the world. One of the topics will be the Monthly Call for Life at MonthlyCallForLife.com. This monthly effort encourages people to call and/or email their representatives on the first Friday of every month in order to challenge them to end abortion and human killing research.

Mark Gietzen, the President of the Kansas Coalition for Life will introduce the Signature Ad for 2008, and will encourage people to sign this ad which will appear in top Kansas publications.

Gail Richardson will also discuss the monthly Prayer Pivot, which encourages people to pray for an end to abortion around the world through all the time zones, starting at 12:00 am on the first Friday and ending at 12:00 am the next morning.

For more information, {encode="contact@monthlycallforlife.com" title="click here to email Peter Shinn or Gail Richardson"} or click here to go to the Kansas Coalition for Life website.