Sunday, November 23, 2008

Pro-Life Unity

All of our main posts will be submitted at from now on. The feed below is pulled from that site. To keep up to date and to get involved with Pro-Life efforts, go to

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Call for Life today!

It's the first Friday of the month and it's time to call for LIFE!

Thank you for all you do for the unborn. Without us speaking out for them, they would die in silence. In the end, our representatives, through our prodding, will do the right thing and end abortion.

I would like to ask everyone to do one more thing for the unborn this month. Please contact at least 2 people who might do just a little bit more to help the unborn and encourage them to join us in the Monthly Call for Life. It's only once a month, and it's so easy! Here are the links you can email them:

Monthly Call for Life

Subscribe to the monthly reminder

There is plenty going on in the Pro-Life world right now. Of course the Call for Life is today, on Sunday is the Life Chain at and Pro-Life Memorial Day is on Monday. I will be speaking at the Supreme Court with other Pro-Life groups, joining with American Life League for this event. Then we have the National Day of Silent Solidarity at on October 21st. Over 2500schools will be participating this year!

Go to & click on the Calendar at the top to see what all is going on.

What have we been doing since the last Call for Life?


The Pro-Life Legislative Action Team Forum (PLATForum) is official! Johanna Dasteel, Senior Congressional Liaison for American Life League and I are working together to help represent Pro-Life on the hill. The time has come for Pro-Life people and organizations to have a 100% Pro-Life voice, one which not only provides education on research and ethical issues to our representatives, but also to help us understand what is being voted on, and give us a chance to let them know where we stand on these issues when they are proposed.

Last week, Dr. David Prentice from the Family Research Council spoke about ethical research at the FRC, where the opening was held. The videos for event that are going up over the next few days, but you can see his short talk and some interviews on the site now.

We will build a separate site for the PLATForum soon, but until then, you can see our articles and videos at

Speaking of videos, I'd like for y'all to welcome Michael, our new cameraman and producer. He has been incredible, posting videos on our sites faster than I can write the supporting articles for them! They are being uploaded at 3 sites right now, so if you don't want to wait for supporting articles to hit the site, you can always go to for medium-quality, YouTube for low & medium-quality & for high-quality and HD video.

Thanks Michael!

EyeBlast has a great bunch of more conservative videos, & again, with decent quality. We are honored that they added us as a Channel, available from the pulldown at the top-right.

After that event, Johanna and I rushed over to the congressional Cannon terrace. The event was the introduction of the Prenatal Nondiscrimination bill, sponsored by Congressman Trent Franks. Present were Dr. Alveda King, Dr. Johnny Hunter, Day Gardner and many more. We interviewed them and others, and those videos will be going up in the next week.

Then it was on to the 40 Days for Life Kickoff Rally at Lafayette Park, right across the street from the White House. About a hundred people gathered for speeches, followed by a procession to the 16th Street abortion mill. Yep, more videos to follow from that event as well.

If you haven't signed up for a 40 Days for Life shift at an abortion mill, go to and do so. Hundreds of thousands of us are doing our part to take part in 24 hour prayer vigils. I guarantee that hundreds of people will be saved from death by abortion because of our efforts!

Why do we call and/or email for life? Will it really make a difference? Look at it this way, if we do nothing, we will get nothing. If we don't let our representatives know what we think, they will do whatever they want. We can't just push the button at the voting booth & walk away.

That's all for now. Pick up your phones & warm up your keyboards, because it's time to Call for Life. Do you believe we can end abortion? I do!

Have a great month everyone. :)


Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Video - Pastor's Letter - Pastor Caesar Lafleur

In this video, Pastor Caesar Lafleur is sending a Pro-Life mesaage to Pastor's around the world, encouraging them to get involved with anti-abortion / Pro-Life issues, and to speak the truth to their congregations.

Click here to continue reading and to view the video at

Friday, August 8, 2008

Video - Freedom of speech? Not in Maryland!!! - Joe Healy Interview

Peter Shinn and Joe Healy

I interviewed Joe Healy, Associate Director for, yesterday. He was on the road with the Defend Life Face the Truth tour when eighteen people were rounded up like common criminals and thrown in jail, all for standing on the side of the road with signs.

Imagine, there you are, standing quietly on the side of the road, holding a sign, and suddenly, like communist China, police pull up, put everyone in handcuffs and haul you off, no formal charges and no reason given.

Click the YouTube below in the middle to play it, or click here to view the high quality video on

Friday, July 25, 2008

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Atlanta Event - July 12-19

By Flip Benham - Operation Rescue/Operation Save America

Twenty years ago in Atlanta, Georgia, God birthed a movement fueled by the Gospel of Jesus Christ and immersed in a single word - "repentance." This move of God radically changed the face of American Christianity and the pro-life movement. All this took place twenty years ago at the Democratic National Convention in downtown Atlanta. It was here that the Church of Jesus Christ dared to allow the theology of the church house to become biography in the streets.

Click here to continue reading at

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Wichita - Pro-Life Unity Conference June 5th

The Kansas Coalition for Life is hosting the 3rd Pro-Life Unity conference at the courthouse in Wichita, Kansas on June the 4th. We will be discussing the need for united Pro-Life nationwide and around the world. One of the topics will be the Monthly Call for Life at This monthly effort encourages people to call and/or email their representatives on the first Friday of every month in order to challenge them to end abortion and human killing research.

Mark Gietzen, the President of the Kansas Coalition for Life will introduce the Signature Ad for 2008, and will encourage people to sign this ad which will appear in top Kansas publications.

Gail Richardson will also discuss the monthly Prayer Pivot, which encourages people to pray for an end to abortion around the world through all the time zones, starting at 12:00 am on the first Friday and ending at 12:00 am the next morning.

For more information, {encode="" title="click here to email Peter Shinn or Gail Richardson"} or click here to go to the Kansas Coalition for Life website.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Pray at an abortion mill today - May 3rd

Pray For Life TodayJoin us today for the The Monthly Call for Life at Today is the first Saturday after the first Friday. Go to an abortion mill in your area and pray, stand with a sign, or whatever you want to peacefully do for a couple of hours. Click here if you want to print out flyers, Life Cards or the sign that we use.

No matter what, go to the abortion mill, even if all you do is stand there. Women drive by & see if there is a Pro-Life person standing there. If there is, some continue driving & don't come back.

Many of you said that it is difficult for you to participate in an outside event on Friday, so here is your chance! Go to & click on Calendar to find a picket or location to pray near you. If you want to start your own or are already picketing or praying at a location, email us at and we will post it on the calendar.

If you are in the Washington D.C. area you can join us in Falls Church, Virginia from 09:00 am to noon at 900 South Washington Street, or go to the many other abortion mills where people are praying.

Go to for up to date news on our events & to send information & pictures about your events.

United we stand - Divided they die - Pass it on

Call for Life Today! - Friday, May 2nd

Friends of the unborn, it's the first Friday of the month and it's time for us to call and/or Email our representatives to speak for those who cannot speak for themselves.

Think of it, a million unborn children stand a chance of living this year if we speak for them.

Go to for all you need to know, like who to contact and what you might want to say.

Remeber to click the "Tell a Friend" link in the middle of the page, & pass it on!


Abolish Abortion in '08!

Bold? Brash? Not possible?

If you believe these things, then I have to ask, how big is your God? - Click the "Abolish Abortion in '08" link


Web site links and Action Code

Do you have a website or blog? Consider helping us get out our Action Calls and/or linking to or

What are Action Calls? When a Pro-Life group has an action effort coming up, we post it in our Action Calls area of the website. This automatically updates all ally websites instantly with the newest Action Call. Click here to go to the Action Calls page of and see many of the allies who are currently participating. Our current estimate has us reaching over 1 million people per month with this effort. Join us. Sent an email to Join us. Click here to contact us, or download the Action Code here:

Almost 30 web sites are listing the Action Code, and about 60 web sites are linking to us. Join the Pro-Life technology revolution today!


Prayer Pivot

Join the Prayer Pivot at Every Month on the first Friday, for 24 hours prayers are said for the unborn and for the culture of life around the world. The Prayer Pivot starts at 12:00 AM Eastern and continues through all the time zones until 12:00 AM the next day. Click here to contact Gail for more information and to sign up for a time slot. Pick a time zone and pray for LIFE!

New Members of Pro-Life Unity

We'd like to welcome our newest members and thank them for their efforts.

Research - Monte Harms -
Web and other support - Alayna Staggers & Mothers Against Abortion
Commentary - Gerry Kaye -
MaryBeth Hagan - MaryBeth is helping us with the Pro-Life Action Calls and hopefully will be providing us with regular commentary -


We were at the Supreme Court last week to participate in the Mercy Seat, a Bound4Life event. Our first interview with Matt Lockett, the Executive Director is up at


Pro-Life Action Efforts

Do you know of an action effort that needs to go into the Pro-Life Calendar? If so, click here to contact us


Thank you all for doing what you can for the unborn. They only have us, and if we are silent, they die alone.

United we stand - Divided they die - Pass it on

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Pass it on - April 26th - Bound4Life Calls For Nationwide Prayer


On Saturday, April 26th Bound4LIFE and TheCall will be mobilizing Christians to gather at supreme courts in all 50 states along with the U.S. Supreme Court in Washington, DC. Would you answer this urgent call to prayer and join with thousands across the nation on this day when we will be holding a simultaneous Silent Siege of every Supreme Court? Coinciding with Passover, the purpose of this day will be to stand in silent prayer before the doors of our justice system and plead the blood of Jesus.

Please save this date and plan to join us on this strategic day

Click here to go to the Bound4Life web site & read more about this & their other efforts

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Pray at an abortion mill today - April 5th

Pray For Life TodayJoin us today for the The Monthly Call for Life at Today is the first Saturday after the first Friday. Go to an abortion mill in your area and pray, stand with a sign, or whatever you want to peacefully do for a couple of hours. Click here if you want to print out flyers, Life Cards or the sign that we use.

No matter what, go to the abortion mill, even if all you do is stand there. Women drive by & see if there is a Pro-Life person standing there. If there is, some continue driving & don't come back.

Many of you said that it is difficult for you to participate in an outside event on Friday, so here is your chance! Go to & click on Calendar to find a picket or location to pray near you. If you want to start your own or are already picketing or praying at a location, email us at and we will post it on the calendar.

If you are in the Washington D.C. area you can join us in Falls Church, Virginia from 09:00 am to noon at 900 South Washington Street, or go to the many other abortion mills where people are praying. Click here to find other efforts in the D.C. area and around the country. Go to & click on Calendar for more information.

Go to for up to date news on our events & to send information & pictures about your events.

United we stand - Divided they die - Pass it on

Friday, April 4, 2008

Call for Life today and help Abolish Abortion in '08!

Today is the first Friday of the month & it's time to Call for Life!

Go to for all you need to do, like who to call and what you might want to say to your representatives.

Be sure to click the "Tell a Friend" link in the middle of the page & encourage all your friends to join us.

The Monthly Call for Life and many other organizations are joining together with people all over America to end abortion this year. How are we going to do this? Every month for the next 8 months our voices are going to get louder and louder until our representatives know that it is time for them to do the right thing and end abortion. It doesn't matter what party is in power, it is time to stop the killing of over 4,000 babies a day, and the suffering of the women who kill their children!

PLU New Additions

Three more people have come on board with Pro-Life Unity.

Gail Richardson from Kansas is building a global prayer effort called the Prayer Pivot and the First Friday International Day of Prayer and Fasting for the Unborn so that we can pray for an end to abortion and human killing research, and also to pray for the culture of life. Go to for more information and to sign up to pray in a time zone.

Margarita Szechenyi our new Georgia Director. She is in the trenches at the abortion mills and is working with many facets of communications with Pro-Life people and organizations. You can see her efforts at, click on States & then Georgia.

Bob Gilbert from California is going to work on getting out the Pro-Life word through phone dialers. He is also on top of things as far as the Pro-Life political landscape is concerned. We will look to him for political logistics and communications with local and national representatives.

If you are interested in joining Pro-Life Unity, go to and click the Volunteer link at the top.

Abolish Abortion in '08 - It's not one year, it's 35 years later and 50 million dead

Call for Life Right Now

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Pro-Life Unity on the air

Pro-Life Unity is taking to the airwaves. We will be broadcasting at, and Click the play button below to tune in to the show today & stay tuned every day at 9:00 Eastern for the live show. Of course you can play back the show later on in the day if you happen to miss it. We will also be broadcasting live video of the broadcasts in the near future.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Video - Peter Shinn at the United States Capitol Building

Peter Shinn, President of Pro-Life Unity, founder of and also the Monthly Call for Life spoke at the Capitol about the need for people to get more involved in the process of ending abortion. One of the current bills is HR 618, a Right to Life bill sponsored by Congressman Duncan Hunter.

Shinn said:

Click here to continue reading at

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Nationwide United Action Call Today - Saturday July 7th

Call For Life TodayJoin us today for the The Monthly Call for Life at Today is the first Saturday after the first Friday. Go to an abortion mill in your area and pray, stand with a sign, or whatever you want to peacefully do for a couple of hours. Click here if you want to print out flyers, Life Cards or the sign that we use.

No matter what, go to the abortion mill, even if all you do is stand there. Women drive by & see if there is a Pro-Life person standing there. If there is, some continue driving & don't come back.

Many of you said that it is difficult for you to participate in an outside event on Friday, so here is your chance! Go to & click on Calendar to find a picket or location to pray near you. If you want to start your own or are already picketing or praying at a location, email us at and we will post it on the calendar.

If you are in the Washington D.C. area you can join us in Falls Church, Virginia from 09:00 am to noon at 900 South Washington Street, or go to the many other abortion mills where people are praying. Click here to find other efforts in the D.C. area and around the country. Go to & click on Calendar for more information.

Go to for up to date news on our events & to send information & pictures about your events.

United we stand - Divided they die - Pass it on

Friday, January 4, 2008

Friday, Feb. 1st - Call for Life Today!

It's the first Friday of the month & it's time to Call for Life!

Every month on the first Friday we call and/or email our representatives to let them know that they need to defend life by opposing abortion and human killing research. What do I say & who do I call? Go to for everything you need to know and do.

People in Georgia, call your representatives and ask them to support the Human Life Amendment HR 536 and House Bill 1. Go to for more information.

The unborn only have us. If we don't call for them, who will?

United we stand - Divided they die - Pass it on